9 Fascinating Reasons Why Waking up Earlier is a Great Idea

There are numerous benefits of waking up early. You become healthier, more productive, and more focused than late risers.

jentrix imali
5 min readJul 5, 2022

It's 5:00 a.m., and your alarm clock is buzzing. You let out a huge groan and roll over, trying to ignore it as long as possible. But after ten more minutes of sleeping, you finally drag yourself out of bed, only to feel groggy for the rest of the day. Sound familiar?

While it's easier said than done, getting up early in the morning can be a habit that pays off enormously. In fact, researchers found early risers more proactive and productive throughout their days than night owls.

Also, you are more likely to exercise if you wake up earlier. Working out keeps you in shape and productive during the day.

In this article, I'll discuss why you should wake up early and answer all the questions concerning waking up early to help understand the importance of waking up early. They include:

1. Increased Productivity

Being a morning person has been shown to help get things done. In a Harvard Business School study, night owls were 10% less productive than their peers who woke up early. The early risers also reported higher job satisfaction.

Waking up earlier gives you time to organize and prepare everything for the day. This allows you to do more things than you would have done if you woke up late. It's also a great way to ensure you start your day calmly without any rush.

2. You'll Have Enough Time For Yourself

It is quiet and calm when you wake up early, making it much easier to get things done in peace. You use this time to meditate, write or enjoy your cup of coffee in peace before everyone else wakes up and the hustle begins. This time alone may be what you need to help your day go smoothly.

3. You'll be More alert and Focused

Waking up early in the morning gives you an advantage over those who sleep past their natural wake-up time. The brain is mostly more active and alert in the morning. This will help you think clearly and be active when you get to work.

Getting up early also reduces your chances of making mistakes, and you are more likely to use your time efficiently.

In addition, starting the day earlier helps you avoid distractions such as media or social media, leaving you feeling distracted and unfocused when you arrive for work.

4. You'll Be Better at Coping with Stress.

No one likes being stressed out, but if you're a morning person, stress shouldn't affect your mood as much as it would for a night owl. The research found that people who naturally wake up early are more resilient to stressful situations than their night owl counterparts.

Starting the day earlier helps reduce anxiety because it gives you more time to get things done — which means less stress. Moreover, you won't have to worry if something goes wrong during the day (you get stuck in traffic or face a problem at work).

5. You'll Have Better Memory and Mental

Starting the day an hour before the rest improves concentration and makes your memory retain information throughout the day. It can also improve your mental function and give you time to acclimate to the day.

When you up earlier, your body prepares for the day by producing the chemicals necessary for optimal cognitive function — including the ability to think — as soon as you wake up in the morning. This helps you to focus on your goals and task.

6. You'll Stay Healthier

A study found that morning people have "better health-related behaviors" and take fewer risks than those who prefer to wake up late.

When you wake up early, you'll have time to prepare and have a healthy breakfast. This will make your body naturally inclined to eat healthier and improve your metabolism leading to a healthy body.

On the other hand, waking up late makes you skip breakfast in the morning — instead of enjoying a proper meal. As a result, you end up indulging in unhealthy food along the way(buying junk foods like unhealthy doughnuts).

7. You'll Have Time to Exercise

One of the most common excuses for not exercising is not having enough time in the day. Waking up just an hour earlier can give you plenty of time to fit in some workout before heading off to work or school.

Whether running on the treadmill or doing some quick stretches, getting your blood flowing in the morning will make you feel more awake and energized throughout the day.

It also means you won't have to worry about fitting a workout in later during your busy day because you've already accomplished it first thing in the morning.

8. You'll Get Things Done

How often do you say, "I'll do it tomorrow?" If you wake up early regularly, you can check things off your to-do list before others even start theirs. Imagine how much better that would feel! Plus, there will be less stress throughout the day as you worry about getting stuff done.

9. You'll Get Healthy and Vibrant Skin

After a peaceful sleep at night, your skin is always at its best in the morning. When you wake up early, you'll have enough time to make your skin look more healthy and vibrant by washing, moisturizing, and adding some makeup.

Additionally, the exercises, hydration and healthy breakfast you take every morning oxygenates your blood and promote your skin to look more healthy and shiny. You can also use the extra time to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin to look smooth and more beautiful.


To sum up, there are numerous benefits of waking up early. You become healthier, more productive, and more focused than late risers.

However, waking up earlier requires sacrifice and effort. Like going to the gym to be physically fit or learning something new in your free time, waking up will expand your comfort zone and give you positive results.

Will you still wake up late tomorrow after reading this? I guess Not. Start waking up early starting today. Waking up earlier might be the key to unlocking your dreams!



jentrix imali

I am a seasoned heath and content writer. I'm passionate about promoting well-being and business through insightful articles on various topics. .